Friday 12 October 2012

Want to touch someone's heart? Here's how ...

The Singapore government has started a conversation with the general public to find out what issues concern us, what we values we hold important, and what we envision Singapore to be in the future. Since Singapore is made up of many cultures and ethnic groups, every Member of Parliament is involved. Why? Don't Singaporeans all speak English? Yes and No.

Yes - the majority of us have gone to school, and can function well in the English language.

No - there are still an older generation alive who prefer to use the language of their home and growing up years to express themselves.

Hence this article - so well written, I must say.

We express ourselves best using our "heart" language. What is "heart" language? It's the language we first heard the moment we were born, spoken from our mother's and father's mouth. We grew up hearing it, and eventually using it to communicate with our family and relatives. In school, and later at work and the outside world, we use English, or whatever language is required of us. At home, we speak the "heart" language.

As the writer of the article found out, the old folks were open and expressive in the conversation, because they were using Hokkien, their "heart" language. Many of them can speak Mandarin fluently. But to talk about issues close to the heart, we do it best in our "heart" language.

We can all speak English and communicate well in it. But to touch the heart of a man or woman, find out what his/her "heart" language is. You will bring smiles to his/her face and unlock the secrets of his/her heart.

Learn a language, touch a heart.

Happy learning!

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