Tuesday 13 November 2012

I want to try your food

Racism. The cause of many conflicts today, big and small. What's wrong with us? Why do we get upset over the smallest things done by someone from another culture?

Perhaps one of the problems is our lack of understanding and appreciation of another's language and culture.

Am I racist? Perhaps. It irks me when someone spits on the open ground while walking on the street. I get irritated when the public toilet is filthy from people who don't seem to bother caring for public property. I felt very sad reading in the newspaper about plants at Gardens By the Bay being damaged because of visitors touching or trampling on them... The list can go on. But, do I hit someone because of these minor irritations? Of course not! I choose to live and let live.

This article shows how successfully families of different races have become firm friends. Parents were the key to unlocking the doors of each other's homes and hearts, thus involving the children as well. In all these cases, food is the common denominator. This should not be surprising, since one of the national pastimes of Singaporeans is eating! There is truth to the saying: "The way to a man's heart is through his stomach". In this case, "man" refers to any human being, rather than limited to the male gender.

I live in multi-cultural and multi-racial Singapore. I have friends of different races, cultures and skin tones. I love them all! My life is so rich because of their input. My classmate who lives in America commented that it was very difficult living in the US in the beginning. You just cannot get "everything" in the supermarket! Why is available variety fruit limited to the seasons in which they grow? Why can't I get spices I use in cooking? etc, etc. Oh, don't get me wrong. She's not racist, just practical. After all, food is very important to the Singaporean, you know.

It isn't easy getting to know and appreciate people of a different language and culture. But, we can make food the starting point, since all of us need to eat anyway. The best way to introduce yourself is to ask to learn how to cook. Be a student of the new culture. You will be pleasantly surprised!

Happy exploring another culture!

Fun Language Tools

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