Thursday 20 December 2012

Speak the language, open the door

Ms Jasmine Lee is ethnically Filipina. She married a Korean (who has since passed away) and is the 1st naturalised Korean citizen, and the 1st non-Korean to win a seat in Parliament. She is a history-maker.

Ms Lee has challenged the Koreans to think about who really is Korean. She is a Korean citizen. Her children are half Korean racially, Koreans in citizenship. With more and more non-Korean brides marrying into the country, what makes a Korean? Even K Pop stars are not necessarily Korean. Two of the members of the latest female K Pop group are Singaporean teens. They had to undergo the rigourous training to make the cut. They may fit the "look", but they're not Korean.

Does speaking Korean make you "Korean"? Probably not. But, you'll be more acceptable to the Koreans if you do. It's true in any culture. Silence rules when you have to speak in another language. When you can speak something of the foreign language, it gets noisy. People get friendly. Everyone wants to chat with you and tell you their life story. I love it!

Want to cross the cultural and language divide? Start by learning the language. Make the most of your time by working at it a little a day. You will get there! Start today! Click here!

Fun Language Tools

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